Palmarosa Essential Oil January 06 2023

This essential oil is extracted from Palmarosa herbs which can reach almost 3 meters in height under optimal conditions. The indigenous tribes have passed on their know-how from generation to generation to cultivate this plant. The Palmarosa then grows both in plantations and in the wild.
Palmarosa essential oil is an excellent natural deodorant. Thanks to its very antibacterial properties, it opposes bacteria responsible for bad odors while providing you with a soft, floral, and fresh fragrance. In addition, its skin regenerating and healing virtues will relieve your armpits after shaving or waxing. You can apply a drop of pure palmarosa under each armpit, once a day after showering for a treatment not exceeding 3 weeks. For sensitive skin or long-term use, dilute the essential oil in a vegetable oil such as coconut.
Thanks to its geraniol content, the palmarosa essential oil enhances the activity of antifungal drugs and destroys most of the fungi that cause yeast infections. Thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, the essential oil of palmarosa are effective against many dermatological problems such as impetigo, sores, eczema, pressure sore, skin fungus, or acne. In these cases, dilute your essential oil and massage the affected area. In the case of local acne, you can apply a drop of pure palmarosa located on your pimples.
Palmarosa essential oil contains geranyl acetate which has a neurotropic and musculotropic action that allows it to act on spasms, so it is an excellent spasmolytic.
Finally, it scares the unwanted away. Its monoterpene alcohols are very effective in warding off mosquitoes and other insects whether on the skin or as an alternative to pesticides. And its geraniol content is a moderate potency pest control.
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