Peppermint Essential Oil

Thanks to its many interesting properties, peppermint is a versatile essential oil and one of the must-haves if you are interested in incorporating aromatherapy into your daily life. It is well-known to soothe migraines. You can massage your temples with a solution of diluted peppermint it in a vegetable oil. Indeed, it is pain-relieving by local application, whether it is against headaches, muscle pain, or neuralgia.

In addition, it slightly anesthetizes the stomach lining thus preventing nausea, vomiting, or motion sickness. Tonic and stimulating in general, this hypertensive and neuro tonic oil stimulates the heart muscle and improves vigilance and concentration.

Peppermint essential oil is also great for digestion. Antispasmodic, it eliminates digestive and intestinal spasms by acting on the sphincter of Oddi and muscle contractions of the small intestine. Also, cholagogue and choleretic facilitate the evacuation of bile to the intestine and the secretion of bile by the liver. In addition, this essential oil prevents pro-inflammatory substances from forming and thus acts on repeated inflammations of the respiratory system and the colon. As a bonus, it eliminates bad breath.

Finally, peppermint essential oil is great for sanitizing your home. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. Indeed, it acts against many pathogenic bacteria, viruses including the herpes virus, fungi that cause lung infections, skin infections, candidiasis, and against intestinal parasites. Thus, this oil is recommended for gastroenteritis and difficult digestion.

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