Hemp Seed Oil

The trend is for hemp oil. Or rather, the therapeutic trend is to CBD oil and the recreational trend is to reside or dry flowers containing THC. However, these two molecules are not present in hemp oil. Before listing the benefits, let's distinguish between these three products. Industrial hemp is very often associated with recreational hemp, called cannabis, with relaxing and even hallucinogenic powers. But it is important to distinguish them. Indeed, it is the same botanical species but depending on the crop, the THC content varies. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is an active molecule with psychotropic effects. High THC content hemp (around 5%), sought after for recreational use, is illegal while very low content hemp is legal in many countries. Norwegian law imposes a 0 rate and the controls on this subject are particularly strict. Industrial hemp is used in various fields such as textiles, food, and cosmetics. Drugs such as THC have many negative effects on health: impaired memory, concentration, learning disabilities, coordination problems, reduced fertility, and psychological disorders, … unlike hemp oil and CBD. Do not confuse hemp oil and CBD oil either, which are very different. Both substances come from industrial hemp low in THC, however, the first is from the seeds of the plant while the second is from its flowers. Cannabidiol (CBD) has been the source of much scientific research and is now recognized for its beneficial effects on mental and physical well-being. Hemp oil is renowned both in cooking and in cosmetics for its richness in unsaturated fatty acids, omega 3 and 6.
Hemp oil is regenerating and revitalizing with anti-aging effects and it has skin repair capacity to effectively fight against the signs of aging of the skin. From the age of 25, the production of collagen declines, whereas it is this protein that helps structure our skin. This is when the first signs of aging appear because the drop in collagen but also in elastin causes the loss of elasticity in the skin. Hemp oil will help produce collagen while the intake of omega-3, 6, and 9 contribute to good elasticity of the skin. Hemp oil fights against free radicals - a major cause of skin aging - thanks to its high content of vitamin E, a natural antioxidant. Thus, hemp oil will strengthen its action against wrinkles and aging skin. Hemp oil has a composition similar to the sebum of the skin and cell membranes, and it penetrates quickly for a moisturizing, softening, and nourishing effect. Hemp vegetable oil thus helps rebuild the lipid film of the skin. Studies show that only 3% of hemp oil in cosmetics is enough to hydrate the skin. Hemp oil is also used in hair care to deeply nourish dry hair and obtain shiny and supple hair. Thanks to its composition rich in omega 3 and 6, it fills hair gaps to hydrate and strengthens them in depth. Its composition in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, and E intensifies this fortifying power, slows down hair loss, and promotes growth. Like the hair, hemp oil nourishes and hydrates the beard while caring for the skin underneath. Fatty acids can regenerate skin tissue but also stimulate the production of keratin and therefore the growth of hair, beard, and nails. Here again, the oil nourishes the nails deeply to make them strong, and shiny and effectively fight against brittle nails. The anti-inflammatory, calming and soothing fatty acids thus help to relieve skin irritation and reduce redness. Due to its composition in polyunsaturated fatty acids, hemp oil has been the subject of a study on the treatment of dermatological problems, in particular, to treat eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, and acne rosacea. Finally, the smell of hemp oil is neutral with a fluid and light texture which makes it very pleasant to use.